Learning Through Life’s Trails

By Larry L. Richman

“You can choose to see a trial as a roadblock or an expressway. If you see it as a roadblock, it will obstruct your way. However, if you see it as an expressway, you can use it to learn and grow.”

Learning Through Life’s Trials reviews the nature, origins, and purposes of adversity and includes suggestions on how to patiently trust in God and His eternal plan and how to use these trials to learn and grow stronger.

“The gospel of Jesus Christ is the plan whereby we can become what God wants us to become. In fact, we become great people because of our trials, not in spite of them.”

Learning Through Lifes Trials-Larry Richman


Retail: US $4.95
ISBN 978-0-941846-17-2, 2007
32-page booklet, 5.25″ x 8.5″


Ensign Article

A summary of the book was published as “Learning Through Life’s Trials” in the March 2010 issue of the Ensign magazine, pp. 27-31.



An abbreviated version of the book was given as a devotional address at Brigham Young University-Idaho on October 30, 2007.

You can benefit from your trials if you:

  • Develop a relationship with God and let Him carry your burdens.
  • Let others help you.
  • Trust that the Lord is in control and allow His will to be done.
  • Remember that everyone has challenges.
  • Let adversity make you a better person.
  • Live with integrity, be patient, and make the best of your situation
  • Serve others.
  • Keep a positive attitude and an eternal perspective.