Helping LDS Men Resolve their Homosexual Problems: A Guide for Family, Friends, and Church Leaders
Help for Those who Struggle with Unwanted Same-sex Attraction
This book presents an understanding of male same-sex attraction (homosexuality) in the context of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is written to the family, friends, and priesthood leaders of Latter-day Saint (Mormon) men who want to resolve issues surrounding same-sex attraction.
This book urges love and sensitivity toward those who experience same-sex attraction. It is written as a companion to Resolving Homosexual Problems: A Guide for LDS Men, which gives suggestions to men on resolving their problems.
A man’s journey out of homosexuality will be easier if he has the support of his friends and family, and this book can give you ideas on supporting someone you love.
The process described is not one of suppressing homosexual feelings and controlling behavior through willpower. The goal is to resolve the inner conflicts that created the attractions. Although homosexual behavior can be stopped in the short term by exercising willpower, the unmet emotional and social needs won’t go away until they are fulfilled in nonsexual ways. As men resolve the underlying causes, the unwanted impulses will diminish or disappear.
The book focuses on understanding and resolving the inner conflicts that underlie the homosexual struggle. The sexual impulses will not disappear until the legitimate emotional needs are met. Meeting these legitimate emotional needs is the key to the healing process.
“Jason Park knows about the homosexual struggle. He made the journey out. His story is a compelling one. For LDS men who struggle with unwanted homosexual attractions, and for the family, friends, and professionals who want to help them, these books provide an important message: change is possible.”
—A. Dean Byrd, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Professor of Psychology
“These are great books written by a skilled LDS author. One is an important guide for the struggler and the other an instructional text for Church leaders, families, and friends who are seeking to understand this difficult issue. The books support therapeutic information with Latter-day Saint scriptures and instructions from General Authorities. The combination is a powerful testimony for those seeking to transition out of homosexual problems.”
—David Pruden
“Thorough in their content and documentation, they are the best products I have seen and certainly the best for an LDS audience.”
—J. R. Johansen, Bishop
“A very thorough treatment of a complex subject by a man who has walked this difficult journey. These books will bless the lives of many.”
—Dan Gray, LCSW
ISBN 0-941846-07-5
Languages: English (also available in Spanish)
Format: paperback, 256 pgs
Retail: US $14.95
Download free PDF or order a printed copy on Amazon.
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